All children receive 15 hours of free funding from the term after they turn 3.
If your child attends Lark Hall Pre School for 15 hours they will attend every Monday - Friday from 9am - 12pm (term time only).
Children are able to attend Lark Hall Pre-School from the term after they turn 3. The term after your child turns 3 they will either receive 15 hours free funding or 30 hours free funding dependent on your circumstances.
The pre-school provision takes place in the large double open plan classrooms with a purpose built outdoor area. Lark Hall's EYFS Lead (Mrs Booth) will be overseeing all of the Early Years Education. The pre-school provision will run alongside and compliment the Early Years Foundation Stage.
If your child attends an all day session, you have the option to bring a packed lunch from home or pay £2.83 for a lunch to be provided by school.
All children receive 15 hours of free funding from the term after they turn 3.
If your child attends Lark Hall Pre School for 15 hours they will attend every Monday - Friday from 9am - 12pm (term time only).
Working parents/carers of children aged 3 to 4 in England are currently entitled to 30 hours free childcare a week from the term after their child turns 3 (dependent on circumstances).
If your child attends Lark Hall Pre School for 30 hours they will attend every Monday - Friday from 9am - 3pm (term time only).